The purpose of this faculty support material is to provide chairperson(s) and faculty with a comprehensive resource for planning, preparing and running an AO Alliance (AOA) ORP Course.
A group of AO Alliance chairpersons and faculty have prepared this package. The content has been developed to be either used as is or be customized and built upon. Included are:
- Program templates
- Lectures
- AO Teaching videos and outlines for practical exercises
- Outlines for small group discussions
- Templates and checklists
- Quiz
- Guidelines for reflection
Thank you for helping the AO Alliance to continuously strive for improvement and excellence.
Important usage notice:
All images and illustrations in the ppt presentations were selected, given to us, produced, and/or prepared for the use of AO Alliance Courses only. They may not be printed, distributed, and commercially used.
For the translated ORP materials, please click on the links below: